Language Education & Technology
Language Education & Technology is a scholarly journal that publishes comprehensive research papers and practical reports on foreign language teaching and the development of media and information technologies in education, particularly in Japanese contexts. Language Education & Technology, as an applied research journal, covers both quantitative and qualitative research in either Japanese or English.
The journal is indexed in J-STAGE® and is published electronically only.
An electronic issue is published annually, upon the approval of the Board of Directors.
All current and past issues of Language Education & Technology are freely available online for all readers. To access the publications, please visit Language education and technology on the J-STAGE® website.
Language Education & Technology is owned and copyrighted by The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology.
After manuscripts are submitted online by November 30th, one Editorial Board member and two peer reviewers conduct an initial screening based on the criteria listed in the Editorial Regulations. The Editorial Board member assigns each submitted manuscript anonymously to the two peer reviewers and collects their reports and recommendations. In consultation with the Editorial Board, the managing editor makes the decision on the acceptance of the manuscript and supervises revisions and preparations for publication. The entire review process generally takes more than six months.
Journal Submission Regulations
The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology
Article 1
These regulations stipulate the regulations for submissions to the journal Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as "this journal") of The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as "the Association"), based on Article 9 (2) of Rules.
Article 2
This journal will be published at least once a year as the journal of The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology. However, depending on the number of published papers and other reasons, publication may be adjusted with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Article 3
All contributors to this journal must be members of the Association and must have paid their membership fees for the year at the time of submission.
Article 4
Research papers and practical reports that are submitted must be unpublished.
2 The author(s) will specify whether the submission is a research paper or a practical report when applying for submission.
3 Regardless of the language in which they are written, submissions must not be identical or very similar to papers or reports published in this journal, published (or scheduled to be published) in other academic publications, or currently in the submission process.
4 In principle, the above does not apply to doctoral theses, with the stipulation that submission does not conflict with the regulations of the institution to which the applicant belongs, or the organization related to the doctoral thesis. In addition, the notes to the paper must state that the submitted content is based on the doctoral thesis.
Article 5
Those who wish to submit a contribution to this journal must apply for submission by the end of August every year via the Association’s homepage.
Article 6
Manuscripts to be submitted must be written in accordance with the format specified below and the template on the Association’s website.
1) Both Japanese and English should be written horizontally on A4 white paper with a 3cm margin on the top, bottom, left, and right sides. As a general rule, the font to be used is "Mincho" for Japanese text and "Times (New Roman)" for English text. The font size shall be 10.5 points for Japanese and 12 points for English, and the number of lines per page shall be 35. For Japanese text, there shall be 40 characters per line. Manuscripts must be no more than 30 pages.
2) Unless otherwise specified, the format of submitted manuscripts should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (latest edition).
3) Regardless of the language used in the main text, an English abstract of up to 200 words must be included.
4) Regarding other formats in the paper, please refer to the English and Japanese templates on the Association's website.
5) Figures and tables (photos, etc.) shall be included in the main text. Color printing should be avoided as the journal will be printed in black and white. Please pay attention to the font size.
Article 7
Submitters must submit their manuscripts by midnight on November 30th according to the instructions on the Association's website. Submit the manuscript in two files, one in MS Word format and one in PDF format.
Article 8
Decisions regarding the publication of submitted manuscripts will be made following a peer review by the reviewers specified in Paragraph 2 of the Editorial Board Regulations (hereinafter referred to as reviewers) and by the Editorial Board stipulated in Article 13, Paragraph 6 of Rules.
2 The Editorial Board may request the submitter to revise the submitted manuscript based on the results of the peer review.
Article 9
In principle, the Editorial Board Secretariat will notify the author or submitting author of the review results by the end of March.
2 If the Editorial Board requests revisions or if the manuscript is judged to require reexamination, the revised manuscript must be submitted by the specified date. At that time, please also submit a list of responses to comments from the reviewers (no specified format).
3 All changes in content and format are the responsibility of the author(s). If the Editor-in-Chief determines that the corrections are insufficient, the paper will not be published.
Article 10
All copyrights for articles, etc. published in this journal, are the property of the Association.
2 Research papers, practical reports, etc. published in this journal may not be reproduced or reprinted without permission from the Association. If you wish to copy or reprint a paper or report, you must submit an application according to the format on the Association's website.
Article 11
Submitters of published papers will receive the published version of the PDF manuscript and 20 offprints for each paper or report, regardless of the number of authors. If more printing is required than the amount provided, the author(s) will be responsible for the cost.
Article 12
In the case that a manuscripts requires special printing costs, such costs shall be borne by the author(s).
Article 13
All correspondence regarding submissions shall be addressed to the Editorial Board Secretariat.
2 The Editorial Board Secretariat will not respond to inquiries regarding publication decisions.
Article 14
Changes to these regulations must be approved by the Board of Directors after passing a vote of two-thirds or more of the Editorial Board members.
Journal Editorial Regulations
The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology
Article 1
These regulations stipulate the regulations for the editing and publication of the journal Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as “this journal”) of The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”), based on Article 5 (2) of Rules.
Article 2
This journal will be published at least once a year as the journal of The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology. However, depending on the number of published papers and other reasons, publication may be adjusted with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Article 3
In principle, this journal will publish research papers and practical reports by members of the Association.
Article 4
Research papers and practical reports that are submitted must be unpublished.
2 If there is more than one author, the names of the authors listed are limited to members of the Association.
3 The author(s) will specify whether the submission is a research paper or a practical report when applying for submission, and the Editorial Board and reviewers will not suggest any changes regarding the designation.
Article 5
Decisions regarding the publication of submitted manuscripts will be made following a peer review by the reviewers specified in Article 3, Paragraph 2 of the Editorial Board Regulations (hereinafter referred to as” reviewers”) and by the Editorial Board stipulated in Article 13, Paragraph 6 of Rules.
2 The Editorial Board may request the submitter to revise the submitted manuscript based on the results of the peer review.
3 If a reviewer submits a research paper or practical report to this journal, he or she will not be in charge of reviewing the submission.
Article 6
Submitted research papers and practical reports will, in principle, be reviewed by one Editorial Board member and two peer reviewers based on the following criteria, and they will make recommendations to the Editorial Board regarding whether to publish the submissions.
2 Research papers will be judged from the perspective of “clarity and consistency of logic and structure,” “adequacy of content,” and “originality,” and will be evaluated on a five-point scale.
3 Practical reports will be judged from the perspective of “originality,” “validity” (quality and quantity of data supporting claims), and “adequacy,” and will be evaluated on a five-point scale.
4 If there is a difference of 3 points or more between the scores given by two reviewers, the decision will be left to the Editorial Board member in charge.
5 The Editorial Board member in charge will deem publication possible without re-examination if the average evaluation score is 4.0 points or higher. If the average evaluation score is 3.0 points or higher, the submission will be re-examined, and a decision will be made whether to publish. If the score is less than 3.0, it will be considered unsuitable for publication. These recommendations will be proposed to the Editorial Board.
6 At the time of re-examination, the Editorial Board member in charge will determine whether to recommend publication. If it is difficult to decide, the Editor-in-Chief will make the determination. Following this, the recommendation will be proposed to the Editorial Board.
7 If the Editor-in-Chief determines that the content and/or format are not of a sufficient standard for publication compared to other papers published in the pertinent issue of this journal, the paper will be rejected, regardless of the decision of the Editorial Board member in charge.
Article 7
All copyrights for articles, etc. published in this journal, are the property of the Association.
2 Research papers, practical reports, etc. published in this journal may not be reproduced or reprinted without permission from the Association. Any reproduction or reprint must receive written approval.
Article 8
In the case that a manuscript requires special printing costs, such costs shall be borne by the author(s).
Article 9
All correspondence regarding editorial work shall be addressed to the Editorial Committee Secretariat.
Article 10
Changes to these regulations must be approved by the Board of Directors after passing a vote of two-thirds or more of the Editorial Board members.
Publication Ethics Code
The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology
Effective August 6, 2024
Article 1
These regulations stipulate the publication ethics of the journal Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the journal”) based on Article 5 (2) of the bylaws of the Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).
Article 2
All papers submitted to the journal are required to be original research results or practical reports. If authors use other copyrighted works or data, they are required to cite them appropriately and obtain the necessary permissions. Plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification of data is not permitted.
Article 3
Regardless of the language of writing, duplicate submission (submission of the same paper to multiple journals simultaneously) is strictly prohibited. In addition, it is not permitted to resubmit papers that have already been published in other journals. However, this regulation does not apply to doctoral dissertations and master’s theses.
Article 4
All authors should demonstrate that they have made significant contributions to the planning and implementation of the study, data analysis, writing of the paper, and discussion of the contents of the study. All authors are required to review the final manuscript and agree to publish it. It is strictly prohibited to list as authors individuals who have made minimal or no contributions.
Article 5
Authors are obliged to disclose all financial or personal relationships that may affect their research or submitted manuscripts, such as employment, consulting roles, shareholdings, or patent applications.
Article 6
In research involving humans, authors are required to respect the privacy of research participants, provide necessary explanations about the content, methods, and results publication, and obtain informed consent. In addition, if the institution to which the author belongs or conducts the research has an ethical review committee, it is desirable that the authors obtain its approval. Even if authors are unaffiliated with a research institution, it is recommended that they take appropriate measures to comply with research ethics.
Article 7
The corresponding author is required to retain the research data for a reasonable period of time after publication. It is recommended to make data publicly available when necessary to ensure data transparency and reproducibility.
Article 8
AI tools are not recognized as authors. Authors are required to disclose any use of AI tools for generating text or images and maintain transparency regarding their use in their papers. Authors bear full responsibility for the final content of their papers.
Statement Regarding Publication Misconduct
The Japan Association for Language Education & Technology
Effective August 6, 2024
Article 1
These regulations are a statement regarding publication misconduct related to the journal Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the journal”) based on Article 5 (2) of the bylaws of the Japan Association for Language Education & Technology (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).
Article 2
If a paper published in the journal is suspected of publication misconduct, the Editorial Board will investigate the facts and as necessary contact the authors, their institutions, and related organizations. If misconduct is confirmed, the paper will be retracted or revised.
Article 3
In the case of papers for which credibility has been severely compromised due to erroneous data or fraudulent activity, an official retraction statement will be issued.
Article 4
If errors or omissions affect the integrity of the study, the author(s) will publish an errata. The errata will be published in conjunction with the original paper.
Article 5
Submitted manuscripts will remain confidential and accessible only to those involved in the editorial process until their publication. Reviewers and Editorial Board members should not use the content or ideas of the paper for personal gain.