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LETメールマガジン 第39号

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★The Treasure Hunt Club No. 37
★WorldCALL2008情報:インタビュー Dr. T. Heift


★The Treasure Hunt Club
No. 37  Looking Back, Looking Forward
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)

Sometimes it is good to stop and consider things. More than three years ago I started writing this column for the LET newsletter. Over this time things have changed a lot. I think that we can see a couple of distinct approaches to the use of the web with students in Japan over these last few years and I would like to look back this month at some of the best websites I know of for each approach.

One popular approach to using websites several years ago could be called the discovery approach. The web was not that new, but computer use in the language classroom was still new and many of our students still didn’t have access to PCs at home. The representative activity of this time was the scavenger hunt or web quest. Typically teachers gave learners a website or a list of websites and a list of things to find on those sites. Some of the most interesting sites to use for web quests at that time were commercially made. They were often lively, full of color and images, and not too text-heavy: perfect for sending students to in search of nuggets of authentic language. I still think such websites can be useful for learners. They can still be places of discovery where students can explore in a relatively manageable space. But with all the sites available on the web now, it’s not hard to find a good one when a teacher needs one. Some of my favorites are still the!
Tabasco sauce site and Face to Face, a site dealing with the experience of individuals after the Pearl Harbor and 9-11 attacks on the US, but sites for high-interest topics (food, health, movies, music, art, culture, etc.) are too numerous to list here. Recently when I need a website for a topic, I go first to Wikipedia and then I look at the list of links available in the article of the topic I am searching.
Tabasco Pepperfest: http://www.tabasco.com/main.cfm
Face to Face: http://www.itvs.org/facetoface/flash.html

Training Sites
Many sites on the web were made for the purpose of teaching language. There are now literally thousands of such sites with many of them focusing on listening, reading, grammar, or vocabulary. The hard part now is to find sites that match the needs of the learners we want to use them with. In a column on listening, I listed the characteristics of good learning sites. I still think this is a good list.
? The content should be interesting.
? The site should be free.
? The site should not require extra or advanced technology or computer literacy to access and it must load fast.
? The site should not require registration nor should the content be hidden between the advertisements.
? The site should be stable (i.e., in the same place next week, next month, etc.).
? There should be some sort of difficulty level labeling.
? There should be some kind of vocabulary support.
? There should be some exercises that encourage learning.
And here are some of my favorite sites:
Randall’s Cyber Listening Lounge has been a service to learners for years. Lots of listening files organized by level and well-supported. http://www.esl-lab.com/
Elllo is a free online listening resource of over 1,000 listening activities designed especially for ESL and EFL students and teachers. Most listening activities include images, an interactive quiz, transcript of the audio and downloadable MP3: http://www.elllo.org/
Quizlet is a site that can be used to learn vocabulary. It’s still relatively new and Japanese language support is not available yet but I think it is a great resource. Put in your own vocabulary and the system will train you and test you. You can also share your lists or try lists made by other users. http://quizlet.com/

Making, Sharing and Interacting
The last approach I would like to mention is the use of websites that focus on student-produced language and computer mediated communication between real people. This is the most exciting approach but also perhaps the most difficult to introduce to learners and certainly the most difficult to control and assess. But it is really activities that allow for student creativity, sharing and interaction that can open up the most meaningful language use (and language learning) opportunities. Some of the easiest could be keypal exchanges or other learner writing interaction. Increasingly, media use for interaction with written or spoken comments is becoming common. This will likely continue. That means that learners will need to have a space, or presence, on the web and that often means a page at on a social networking sites (such as Mixi or Facebook) or a blog.

Keypals for younger learners (6-13) at International Kids’ Space http://www.ks-connection.org/
Keypals for older learners (some caution required) at InterPals: http://www.interpals.net/
Discussion boards for exchanging ideas at Dave’s ESL Cafe: http://forums.eslcafe.com/student/
Voki to create speaking avatars that can be placed on blogs or other websites: http://www.voki.com/

Below are three more links. The first two are lists of sites I’ve come across recently. There are lots of sites here that are worth checking out, all of them chosen by language teachers. The third link is my own blog, where I will continue introducing websites that I think are good and sites I try with my own learners. Stop by if you have time and leave a message.

Larry Ferlazzo introduces one website everyday. And he organizes and archives them. A great resource: http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/about/my-best-of-series/

David Deubelbeiss started a site at Ning for EFL teachers and learners. He has also made lists of games, stories, karaoke, and many other web-based activities that you may find useful. Better still, join the group: http://eflclassroom.ning.com/

Marcel’s blog: http://mozuku.edublogs.org/

Thanks to everyone who has been reading the Treasure Hunt these last few years. Good luck with the new school year and see you on the web.


★WorldCALL2008情報:インタビュー Dr. Trude Heift


基調講演者Dr. Trude Heiftのインタビューが本日アップされました。WorldCALL2008ウェブサイトのinterviewsコーナーでお聞きいただけますので、ぜひ、お聞きください。







日時: 2008年5月24日(土)

場所:東洋学園大学本郷キャンパス1号館 http://www.tyg.jp/


 昨年5月に第2回LLAシニア会を開催し、その後「LLAシニア会通信」を発行しました。更に、同通信をLETのホームページにも掲載しましたので、本会の存在が広く知られることになりました。本会は、LLAの頃を懐かしく想うものが集まって昼食会を開いたのが始まりでしたが、LL教育の再評価、WorldCALL 2008を開催しようとしているLETへの声援等さまざまなご意見が飛び出し、それらを通信の形にして残し、更にその輪を広めようということになりました。前回に引き続き、今回も浅野と大八木が幹事を務めさせていただき、下記のように、昼食会をかねた第3回目の会合を開催しますので、多くの方がご参加されるようここにご案内いたします。
本会は会則もなければ会員資格などというものもありません。LLA 、LETのことや外国語教育にご関心のある方はどなたでもご参加ください。なお、遠方から参加できない方やご都合のつかない方は、挨拶、近況報告、随筆など(最大2千字程度)を書いて、幹事宛に4月10日頃までに送ってくだされば、次回の「LLAシニア会通信」に掲載させていただきます。  

日 時:3月31日(月)午後11時30分?14時
会 場:MIYABI Cafe & Bar (当日はシニア会の貸切りになる予定です。)
中央区日本橋兜町16-2 MICビルB1、1F   電話:03?5641?0940
会 費:5.000






日時: 2008年3月22日(土)13:30?16:45
場所: 関西大学千里山キャンパス尚文館2階 パソコン教室2

日時: 2008年3月22日(土)13:30?16:45
場所: 大阪市立大学文化交流センター小セミナー室(駅前第2ビル6階)

中学高校授業研究部会 第14回中学高校教員のための英語教育セミナー
日時: 2008年3月22日(土)、23日(日)
場所: キャンパスプラザ京都4階第三講義室(22日)、5階第一講義室(23日)

日時: 2008年3月24日(月) 13:00?17:00
場所: 西宮プレラ5F会議室
日時: 2008年6月14日(土) 13:00?17:00
場所: 西宮プレラ5F会議室

基礎理論研究部会 第40回研究例会
日時: 2008年3月30日(日)13:00?16:45
場所: 関西学院大学エクステンションセンター K.G.ハブスクウェア大阪





創刊号から編集を担当させていただきましたが、今月末をもって本部広報の任期を終え、本メルマガから卒業させていただくこととなりました。本部広報の業務として全国版メルマガの準備を始めたのは4年ほどまえになります。各支部からメルマガ担当委員を選出していただき、本部付の委員会が立ち上がり、創刊号を配信できたのは3年3ヶ月前でした。当時の会長であった大八木先生のリレートークを冒頭記事とし、今号で最後となるTreasure Huntも掲載されていました。音声配信も含め、あれこれと実現したいと思う企画はあっても、力不足でなかなか全てを実現することはできませんでしたが、毎月欠かさずともかくも39回配信できたのは、みなさまのご声援とたくさんの方々のご協力あってのことでした。心から感謝申し上げます。3年余のうちにLETの会員情報システムも整備され、会員IDの導入とともに会員専用メーリングリストの使用が可能となりました。ここしばらくは、支部メーリングリストで送られた情報とメルマガ掲載記事の内容が重複してしまうことも多くあり、ご迷惑をお掛けしましたことは、大変申し訳なく思っております。メルマガのあり方を含め、再検討が必要な時期に至り、新たな委員のみなさまにバトンを渡し、今度は読者の立場から応援させていただきたいと思っております。みなさま、長い間、本当にありがとうございました。





【関東支部】保崎則雄(早稲田大学) Marcel Van Amelsvoort(神奈川県立外語短期大学)

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