
2007年06月 の投稿一覧です。
カテゴリー: The Treasure Hunt Club
Marcel Van Amelsvoort
(Kanagawa Prefectural College of Foreign Studies)
Hi and welcome to the June Treasure Hunt. This month we are really going to look at some real treasure. The 11h annual Webby Awards were recently announced and this month I’d like to introduce some of the winners to our readers. The entire list is available at http://www.webbyawards.com/webbys/current.php?season=11 where all the nominees and winners in the dozens of categories can be found. I’ll pick up a few that I thought could be used to make interesting language lessons (or interesting experiences for students).

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カテゴリー: General

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カテゴリー: LET Blog Archives
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紫陽花の美しい季節になりました。水不足解消のために梅雨入りを待ちかねるところも多いようですが、皆様、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?第30号のメールマガジンをお届けします。今号は、WorldCALL2008大会委員長Mike Levy氏のインタビューを掲載しています。どうぞお楽しみください。


★The Treasure Hunt Club No.29
★WorldCALL2008 Interviews :  Prof. Mike Levy

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